
unpublished / Piko / CC BY-SA 4.0


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This site

You can subscribe to new posts using the Atom feed. There’s also a chronologic overview of all posts on the front page.


This site is written in Markdown and compiled to HTML5 by the awesome nanoc. The software for compiling this site is based on blinry’s website. If you are interested in their source code, it’s on GitHub.

The fonts are Open Sans, Bree Serif and Inconsolata.

Happy triangle This picture is by Jon Frickey, and a screenshot from the documentary All Creatures Welcome.

Happy Piko This photo has been taken by Chira Tane.


Most content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, or CC BY-SA 4.0 for short. Check below the header of the individual pages to confirm.

This means that you’re free to share and to adapt the contents: You can copy and redistribute them in any medium or format. You can give them to your kids or students, include them in presentations or on flyers. You can also remix, modify, and build upon the material.

As long as you respect the following terms: